Shepherd’s Hill Academy Recommends These Resources For Spiritual Growth

Notice: This is not a site in which you can purchase resources, merely a resource suggestion.

Title: Mere Christianity

Author: C.S. Lewis

An in depth approach of the importance of our Christian walk. In this book C.S. Lewis really makes the Christian faith understandable.



Title: Wild at Heart

Author: John Eldredge

This is a must read for men and fathers. John Eldredge’s book helps identify the desires that men have as the go through adolescents and into man-hood. It also helps identify the importance father’s have on their young boys.



Title: My Utmost for His Hightest

Author: Oswald Chambers

Every Christian should own this book and read it daily. Oswald Chamber’s devotion to Christ is clearly made evident in My Utmost for His Highest. This book will sharpen your walk with Christ and convict you to grow deeper in Him.



Title: Liberated Through Submission

Author: P.B. Wilson

As a culture some churches tend to aggressively preach how women are to submit. On the other hand, some churches do not preach it enough. P.B. Wilson brings a balanced approach to helping women know just what it means to be submitted to Christ,



Title: Every Man’s Battle

Author: Stephen Arterburn

Sexual temptations and proper dating are not discussed much in today’s churches. We encourage every parent to make themselves familiar with the Every Man’s series. Whether it is your son, daughter, husband, or wife these books help educate the power that sexual addiction has on a family.



Title: A Woman After God’s Own Heart

Author: Elizabeth George

Scriptural insights on how you can pursue God’s priorities concerning: your walk with the Lord-grow through love of Scripture and in discipleship, your ministry-learn to reach out and become an encourager, your home-create a nurturing atmosphere and a tapestry of beauty, your husband-foster a deep commitment to serve and honor him, your children-pray faithfully for them and teach them God’s Word.
