The staff at Shepherd’s Hill Academy understands the times we live in and actively and unapologetically seeks to bring practical examples of Christ’s attitude and Spirit to every situation we encounter. SHA is helping individuals reconcile their relationship to Christ, while introducing Him to others for perhaps the very first time.

Christ-Centered Environment

Christ Centered

Everything we do at Shepherd’s Hill Academy is Christ-centered. Each staff member shares the vision to impact our culture by bringing individuals to Christ–though Christ is never forced upon any student.

In today’s culture, our teens are bombarded with secular thinking and a postmodern worldview devoid of the influence of the living God; therefore, many kids have no place to plant their feet morally. SHA provides a peaceful environment for teens to learn and understand practical ways to live life from the perspective of a biblical worldview.

From our on-campus private academy to the Wilderness Programs, SHA creates an environment that helps individuals better understand how to practically live a life committed to Christ–and all while giving the answers to the questions of why.

A Comprehensive Approach to Healing

Comprehensive Approach

Our therapeutic methods are recognized as successful methods for addressing individual trauma, abuse, and other problems facing teens today. Equine therapy is just one of the many therapeutic approaches that ring congruent with a biblical worldview.

Our Wilderness Program effectively takes teens away from the problem areas in their lives. The Wilderness component also provides an opportunity for teens to live outside their comfort zone for a season. This goes a long way in developing godly character.

As students mature in their character through discipleship, a relationship with the Author of that newly developed character becomes more and more appealing. Over time, and with character change, comes greater opportunity for family reconciliation.

Spiritual Training

Spiritual Training

Understanding that cultural transformation first begins with individuals, then families, SHA provides teens with the opportunity to further their knowledge of God and His Word, while sharing how biblical influences impacted the shaping of our nation’s history.

By providing access to Christian apologetics, special convocations, chapel speakers, and church services, teens are understanding how to practically live out their faith–all while learning to defend their beliefs with the facts and evidences of history, science, archeology, logic, philosophy, and common sense.